Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ageless Skin Secrets Uncovered In Using Resveratrol

By Calderon Doyle

Resveratrol is now being compared to the "fountain of youth" because of its anti aging benefits. Packed full of powerful antioxidants, resveratrol has now been given the attention it so deserves, although it has been around for centuries.

Its discovery came from the people living in the regions of France, China and Japan who are reported to have less cardiovascular diseases compared to other parts of the world. They report that they eat more berries in their diet, which includes the red grape, raspberries, mulberries, cranberries, blue berries and red wine.

Resveratrol turns out to be a very potent antioxidant and with it comes a host of health benefits such as the aiding and prevention of many diseases including cancer, diabetes, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease among others.

Studies on lab mice showed the same positive health benefits as man is experiencing with no reports of side effects on either side.

If you are on blood thinning medications be sure to ask your physician or pharmacist before starting resveratrol.

Women will love the anti aging benefits of resveratrol because every woman desires to look younger than she is. It contains powerful antioxidants for younger, healthier looking skin.

It can actually control aging of the skin cells and make wrinkles and age marks disappear! Resveratrol is also great for weight loss because the metabolism and energy is increased substantially.

Renowned Dermatologist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone says, "Antioxidants can impede and even repair the damage to skin cells that come with aging, and soft, radiant and younger-looking skin is the gratifying result."

Studies show that taking a daily dose of resveratrol supplements are equal to the health benefits found in 1,000 bottles of red wine! Think how this could change our heath care system, as we know it today.

About the Author:

Does Resveratrol Work?
Simple question, difficult answer!

When discussing "proof" in science a common phrase you will hear is "Anecdotal Evidence." Let's say I was having a conversation with my Uncle Bob about resveratrol:

"Uncle Bob, remember how I've always had trouble sleeping? Well, ever since I started taking resveratrol I've been able to sleep 8 hours per night!"

While the above statement may have actually occurred, and over the past 6 months I slept better, it does not mean resveratrol is what caused the better sleep habits. This would be considered anecdotal evidence.

In science, anecdotal evidence has been defined as:

o "information that is not based on facts or careful study"[2]
o "non-scientific observations or studies, which do not provide proof but may assist research efforts"[3]
o "reports or observations of usually unscientific observers"[4]
o "casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis"[5]
o "information passed along by word-of-mouth but not documented scientifically"

Anecdotal evidence can have varying degrees of formality. For instance, in medicine, published anecdotal evidence is called a case report, which is a more formalized type of evidence subjected to peer review.[6] Although such evidence is not regarded as scientific, it is sometimes regarded as an invitation to more rigorous scientific study of the phenomenon in question.[7] For instance, one study found that 35 of 47 anecdotal reports of side effects were later sustained as "clearly correct."[8]

Researchers may use anecdotal evidence for suggesting new hypotheses, but never as supporting evidence. (Source: Wikipdeia: Anecdotal Evidence Scientific Context

When it comes to resveratrol it is important we share any effects believed to be caused by consuming it. We just have to keep in mind there are many "other" factors that could have caused our particular experience. Diet changes, increase or decrease in stress, exercise, and other medications or supplements can all play a role in what we feel may be occurring in our bodies.

Most importantly placebo effect is important to be mindful of. If you start taking resveratrol then you are doing so because you hope to reap the potential benefits it can provide. This "hope" turns into placebo effect in many cases. I myself have fallen into the placebo effect category at times. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new supplement or diet.

So, does Resveratrol work?

Hard Proof Will Come When Human Studies Are Completed and Repeated!

We are probably still a few years away from a substantial amount of scientific evidence proving or disproving the benefits of resveratrol. For the anit-aging hopefuls, you may have to wait 50 or more years. For now we just need to keep an open mind, share our experiences, and focus on an overall healthy lifestyle.

Live Longer & Keep Sharing,

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