Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reasons and Remedies for Losing Hair - 5 Deadly Hair Sins

Reasons and Remedies for Losing Hair...............................By Poul Johnsen

Nothing is as distressing psychologically for a man or a woman, than to be losing a lot of hair, with no apparent cause or reason. However don't fret too much over this, because the reasons for losing hair and the remedies for it are listed below.

Your hair grows about 1/3 inch every month in the normal hair growth circle, which is from about 2 years to 6 years. 10% of the hair on a healthy scalp is in a state of rest, while the rest keep growing at their normal pace and space. The hair, which are "resting" are going to drop out in a couple of months, so that a new hair can start growing from that follicle.

Some hair shedding is normal when you are combing your hair, sometimes though a higher amount can happen in men, women, and even children. This might happen a few months after a surgery or major illness has occurred to you. This type of hair loss is usually only temporary and has happened due to your body going through a time of stress.

A thyroid that is under or overactive can be another reason for losing hair. An imbalance in androgen or estrogen can result in losing hair; correcting the imbalance normally stops the excessive shedding from occurring.

Certain medications can be potent enough to cause the hair to shed. This is also a temporary loss of hair that ceases when you quit taking the medications. Chemotherapy is one example of this type of hair loss. Other medications can be the anticoagulants (blood thinners) given to keep the blood from clotting, antidepressants, medications to treat gout, birth control pills, and large quantities of the vitamin A.

If there is a fungal infection on your scalp, it is going to cause baldness as well as make your hair drop out. This can be treated by using antifungal ointments and medicines. An addition of vitamin B. complex to your diet can also help prevent you from falling prey to such fungal infections.

Stay away from too many perms or other hair treatments; these may cause some loss of hair too. Using the rollers in your hair all the time, cornrows, and pigtails can stress your hair and scalp enough to make the hair fall out. By keeping away from doing these things your hair should grow back alright unless you have scarred you scalp in some way. Males have to deal with baldness more that the females do mainly due to family history. Women usually have to suffer with their hair thinning across their scalp.

Hair loss is often minimized or totally prevented through a well-balanced and healthy diet that is full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates. Sadly today many people are not living healthy lives with the foods they consume and they are not getting exercise on a regular basis either. Many of them will suffer hair loss, others will get obese, some will get sick, and some will have all these happen.

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