Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who Else With Curly Hair Needs Styling Pointers?

By Suzan K Bishop

Do you need some words of wisdom for surviving curly hair? If so you've come to the right place.

For one, curly hair needs to have layering of some sort in order to eliminate weight and help boost overall volume. Doing so will help it be both better behaved and easier to maintain.

Any styling product is best applied to slightly damp strands. You want to work conditioner up from the ends with the help of a wide tooth comb. And once your hair had dried, avoid touching it as much as possible. You got it. Keep your fingers away from your hair or risk frizz creation.

Frizz vs Curls Defined: 10 strands in sync are a curl. 10 strands off on their own is annoying frizz.

Here's a smart move. You're better off showing not telling when trying to convey to your stylist what haircut you desire. It's the ole "a photo is worth 1000 words" kind of thing, you know? I'm sure you realize this yet many cheerfully ignore this bit of advice.

Generally it is better to have your curls cut when they are dry. That way the stylist can see how they stack up, so to speak, and can cut appropriately. However if cut when wet you risk having too much cut off - because as you know as curls dry they shrink.

Have you given shoulder length curly locks a chance? I ask because this is a length flattering to all face shapes and it works particularly well with curly hair. Reason being the length adds some weight which helps you maintain control.

Moisturizing conditioning is important. Because curly hair is dry to begin with and tends to break easily as a result. Guess you could say much like cats crave catnip your curly locks crave moisture. So when you get right down to it, your hair can't help but benefit from regular conditioning.

Curly hair should never be brushed.

Even though it is smart to shampoo less often you still want to condition your curls regularly. Aside from that, grab your spritzing bottle to mist your hair in the morning to encourage your curls to spring back to life.

Curly hair care really comes down to controlled chaos in may ways, doesn't it? Sure curls like to have fun and all. You just want that to happen I a predictable fashion. Hopefully this list of curly hair care tips and advice will let you do so with less fear and less stress.

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